Our Journalism Brands

Our commitment to nonpartisan journalism is deeply lodged in our DNA.

With GlobalPost and World Politics Review, GlobalPost Media serves both general readers seeking a trusted source of news and information about world events, and professionals and others seeking deeper insight into global issues and trends.


Monthly readers


Institutional subscribers


Local newspaper partners


The largest daily newsletter devoted to world news.

GlobalPost’s sole mission is to help people know the world better. Each day our editorial team reviews scores of global reporting sources, identifies important news and events, and writes an entirely original report for our subscribers. Designed to help readers keep up with and understand a complex world in a short amount of time, the GlobalPost newsletter is smart, succinct, and delivered via email each morning. It is now the largest daily newsletter dedicated exclusively to world news with hundreds of thousands of subscribers in the US and around the world.

Affordable world news

Annual subscriptions to GlobalPost are just $32.95 with a free two-week trial.

Free for students

Our global education initiative provides free subscriptions to students, teachers, and faculty at schools all over the world.

Trusted world news partner of local news organizations

GlobalPost is the international news partner of metropolitan and community newspapers and other organizations across the U.S.

World Politics Review

In-depth news and expert analysis on global affairs.

World Politics Review publishes in-depth news and expert analysis on global affairs to help our readers identify and make sense of the events and trends shaping our world. Guided by a commitment to integrity, quality, and intellectual honesty, we serve as a forum for creative ideas about how to tackle the world’s most important challenges. Hundreds of academic institutions, government agencies, research organizations and think tanks around the world rely on WPR’s insight, and you can too.

Extensive archive

Unlimited access to our full searchable library of tens of thousands of articles published since 2006.

Expert analysis

Daily articles with original analysis, written by leading topic experts, delivery every weekday. And regular in-depth articles with deep dives into important issues and countries.


The Daily Review, every weekday, with our take on the day’s most important news. The Weekly Review, every Saturday, with quick summaries of the week’s most important coverage, and what’s to come. And more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the mission of GlobalPost Media?

To serve the needs of both general readers seeking a trusted source of news and information about world events, and professionals and others seeking deeper insight into global issues and trends.

Who is behind GlobalPost Media?

GlobalPost Media brings together the founders of GlobalPost and World Politics Review – Philip S. Balboni and Hampton Stephens who have a combined 34 years of experience in world news publishing. More on our leadership team here.

Does GlobalPost Media have a political leaning?

We have no political orientation and coverage is nonpartisan. GlobalPost Media is a privately owned company with no financial ties to other media organizations.

How does GlobalPost Media support itself financially?

We have multiple revenue streams including individual and institutional subscriptions, license fees for the use of our content, advertising, and donations from foundations and individuals for our global education initiative.

Where is GlobalPost Media based?

The company headquarters is at The Pilot House in Boston, a historic 19th century building on the city’s waterfront.

How can I read GlobalPost and World Politics Review?

Both of our publications require a paid subscription but both are modest in price so as to be accessible to as many people as possible. GlobalPost also provides entirely free subscriptions to students and teachers in the United States and worldwide. To sign up, go here.

Who are GlobalPost Media’s writers?

Our writers include our in-house staff of experienced journalists and editors as well as outside contributors who are experts in the subjects they cover.

Can I write for GlobalPost Media?

We have no open positions at this time. But we’re always interested to hear from talented journalists who would like to work for us. Please send an inquiry and CV to [email protected]. WPR’s guidelines for outside contributors can be found here.

Explore independent, nonpartisan world news and expert analysis on global affairs.